Delays, long lines, cramped seating, heavy luggage: the conditions of travel create an even greater need for yoga. But too often, we neglect our yoga practice in these situations. To help you maintain your yoga practice while traveling, here are several ways to take your yoga practice with you:


1. Bring the Essentials

Whether you’re in a car, plane, or train, space is limited when traveling. So it’s best to bring only what you need. You may prefer different clothing for each type of yoga. But the general consensus is that comfortable clothing works best. Pack a pair of yoga pants that can be easily washed and dried anywhere. 

If you prefer to use yoga straps, consider using a scarf or knee-length scarf instead. Remember, space and convenience are essential when traveling.

2. Consider Portable Yoga Classes 

If you’re traveling on a budget or going to a location without a yoga studio, look for a yoga Youtube channel or a podcast that can guide you through an effective yoga routine while you’re away. 

A quick online search of “yoga class” provides plenty of options to suit different practice types and personalities. But you will want to plan ahead: consider downloading a few episodes before you leave in case you’re without wifi.


3. Create Your Own Routine

Depending upon your expertise and level of comfort, you may want to create your own routine. Unless you’re looking for social support while traveling, there’s no need to attend a formal yoga class while you’re away. Before you leave for your trip, create a 30-minute routine that will accommodate your travel.


4. Start the Trip Right

As we previously mentioned, travel can be stressful. Many yoga practitioners recommend doing some yoga moves as soon as you arrive at the airport or travel destination.

San Francisco International Airport has a dedicated yoga room. And many other airports have on-site fitness centers that offer day passes. But even without access to a gym, there are different yoga poses you can practice in a chair or standing at the terminal to keep the blood flowing and alleviate tension.


5. Explore with Your Practice

One of the best parts of taking your yoga practice on the road is that you get to enjoy a new setting. Look for special places that inspire you to do yoga. Even if you’re stuck in a hotel, check out the pool, balcony, or rooftop. Or go explore the streets of a new city, and look for local parks, and beautiful spaces that you might not otherwise enjoy.

6. Go Easy on Yourself

You may have to adapt your yoga practice while traveling. Maybe you won’t be able to fit in your usual hour-long daily practice, but some yoga is better than no yoga. If 20 minutes is all that your travel schedule will allow, then set that as your goal. The important thing is that you establish a realistic expectation for yourself and stick to it.

7. Don’t Make Excuses

You may not have a dedicated yoga studio to visit or even a peaceful quiet space while traveling. Yes, you may need to be more flexible with your yoga while traveling, but don’t allow it to become an excuse to neglect this important part of your life. One of the wonderful things about yoga is that it can be done almost anywhere at any time – there are no excuses. 

The circumstances of travel may not be ideal for your practice. But that doesn’t mean you should stop altogether.

8. Practice Both Asana and Pranayama

The benefits of practicing yoga while traveling are unmistakable. But yoga is more than asana. Travel is an opportunity to deepen your yoga practice. Meet the moments of chaos with meditation, deep breathing, mantras, or feelings of gratitude.

Delayed flights, lost luggage, detours – travel provides plenty of “stresses” along the way. But rather than being stressed out, meet each of these experiences with meditation. The next time you miss a flight, practice pranayama and take some deep breaths.


9. Incorporate a Yoga Retreat into Your Travel Plans

A yoga retreat provides the perfect setting to pause, fully immerse yourself in the practice, learn from others, and find new inspiration. 

If you’re a traveling yogi or looking for a way to rejuvenate your yoga practice, then we want to invite you to The Renewal, June 27, 2020, to July 3, 2020, at the Tivoli Eco Resort in Portugal. Join Corc Yoga and experience community, sustainability, travel, and self-care in the world’s first cork hotel.

How will you maintain your yoga practice while traveling?

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